A Customized Approach
Indoor air quality is a constantly changing interaction of complex factors and a major concern to businesses, building managers, tenants, and employees because it can impact the health, comfort, well being and productivity of building occupants. Air Quality can be affected by many pollutants like gases, carbon monoxide, combustion products, volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, particulates, and microbial contaminants like mold or bacteria. It can also be affected by thermal comfort parameters (i.e. temperature, and relative humidity, air exchanges) or physical hazards such as lighting and noise.
We do not offer a one size fits all test approaching to indoor air quality testing, as there can be different issues at play. We ask relevant questions and evaluate various indoor environmental conditions for your particular issue or health concerns, then select the best tools or sampling approach for the assessment. Believe it or not, many IAQ issues are resolved during the initial investigation, often without any sophisticated testing being required.