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                                                  Your Strategic Partner

Occupational Hygienists are concerned with anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling real or potential workplace environmental stressors or hazards that can affect the well-being of workers and community members. Beyond physical safety hazards, our skill set also addresses those exposures that remain unseen including: noise, temperature, indoor air quality, chemical exposures, radiation, and biological hazards.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has rapidly changed the world and how we operate. This will continue until we evolve to a new “normal.” As organizations reintegrate their operations and adapt to new requirements, an Occupational Hygienist can provide advice and recommendations on control measures for workplaces based on the best available information from Infection Prevention and Control Specialists.

Dependent on your business needs, services available include:

  • Risk assessment of workplace COVID-19 controls

  • Development of COVID-19 workplace procedures & policies

  • Review of engineer controls, administrative practices, and personal protective equipment

  • Education and training

    • Disinfection of surfaces and PPE

    • Frequency of cleaning

    • Donning/doffing equipment

  • Communication plans

If you would like to learn more about our services, call us for a no-obligation discussion about your workplace COVID-19 management concerns at 250-483-5836.

COVID-19 Services: Services

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